- Dr. Kristen Wheldon (Psychologist-President and Founder of the Fire Service Psychology Association)
- Dr. Burton Clark (Fire Service Leader)
- Dr. Sam J Buser (Staff Psychologist-Houston Fire Department)
- Shaun M. Wheldon (2nd Lieutenant United States Air Force)
- Dr. Gordon Wolf (Psychologist- Specialist in Pre-Employment/Fitness for Duty Evaluations)
- Dr. Chuck Allen (Psychologist)
- Dr. Thomas Joiner (Psychologist)
- Dr. Anne Bisek (Psychologist)
- Dr. Gina Dunckel, Psy.D.
- Lawrence T. Bennett, Esq.

Dr. Wheldon is a licensed clinical psychologist (CA License#27027) who has a passion for the behavioral health of firefighters and their families.
She currently serves as the President and Founder of the Fire Service Psychology Association (FSPA), a nonprofit which was created to bridge the gap between professional psychology and the fire service through providing continuing education courses to mental health providers, behavioral health trainings to departments, and collaborating on research to better understand the specific needs of firefighters and their families.
She sat on the Health and Safety Curriculum Review Committee for the National Fire Academy (NFA) and proposed the inclusion of behavioral health courses. Furthermore, she provided guest lectures to students in the NFA on the topic of, “Demystifying Psychology for the Fire Service.”
She currently serves as a NFA contract instructor for Health and Safety Program Operations courses. Dr. Wheldon previously worked for the Los Angeles Fire Department as their Director of Behavioral Health. In that role, she provided direct psychological services to firefighters and their families, managed and supervised the peer support and CISM teams, provided trainings on behavioral health topics, and supervised two doctoral psychology students.
As one of a few fire psychologists in the country, she recognized that firefighters do not have access to behavioral health care tailored to their specific needs and founded FSPA.

Executive Fire Officer
Dr. Burton A. Clark, Ed.D, EFO has been in the fire service for 48 years and counting! He started his career a firefighter in Washington, DC, and his career path took to Prince George’s County (Mary.), and Carroll County (Mary.),
His other fire service roles have included Assistant Fire Chief in Laurel, Maryland, the Management Science Program Chair and Executive Fire Officer Research Advisor at the National Fire Academy, an Operations Chief during national disasters and emergencies for the DHS/FEMA, an Instructor Trainer for the University of Maryland Fire Rescue Institute, an Expert Technical Reviewer for the CDC National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention Program, and a visiting scholar at Johns Hopkins University Center for Injury Research and Policy. He serves on the doctoral research faculty at Oklahoma State, Benedictine, Northern Illinois, Grand Canyon, and Fielding Universities. In addition, he conducts lectures, workshops, and strategic planning for various educational and governmental organizations.
Burt has a BS is in Business Administration from Strayer University, MA in Curriculum & Instruction from Catholic University, and Ed.D. in Adult Education from Nova Southeastern University. He has served on 17 doctoral dissertation committees. He studied fire science at Montgomery College with Professor Frank Brannigan, Emergency Management at the Emergency Management Institute, National Security at the National Defense University, and is a graduate of the National Fire Academy Executive Fire Officer Program.
He is a nationally certified Fire Officer Four, Chief Fire Officer Designee for nine years, and Eagle Scout Mentor. Burt writes, lectures, and teaches fire service research, safety, culture, and professional development worldwide.
He was married to the late Carolyn Smith-Clark, herself a well-respected National Fire Academy instructor. Together they had six children, 14 grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. His first book is titled, “I Can’t Save You, And I Don’t Want to Die Trying: The American Fire Culture.” Premium Press America, Nashville, TN

Dr. Anne Bisek, Psy.D.
Board Member – Fire Service Psychology Association (FSPA)
Dr. Anne Bisek, Psy.D. is a clinical psychologist in Fremont, California. She graduated from the Wright Institute in 2004. Her dissertation was about three Urban Search and Rescue teams from California who were deployed to New York following the terrorist attack in 2001.
Dr. Bisek now has a private practice where she offers individual counseling (including EMDR) to firefighters, police officers, dispatchers/communications, pre-hospital personnel (EMTs, etc.) and military veterans.
When Dr. Bisek joined FSPA in 2018 she immediately recognized a unique group was forming. “The synergy between fire service personnel (chiefs, arson investigators, prevention and suppression) and psychologists is amazing to see. I witness both disciplines help each other solve problems, teach each other, and learn the other disciplines language.”

(Dr. Chuck) is a Licensed Psychologist and has been in the mental health field since 1972. He has spent over 30 years working with hospital-based programs. He retired from the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center in 2006. He served as the Director of the Chronic Pain Clinic, Director of the PTSD Clinical Team and member of the Dual Diagnosis program. Dr. Chuck is a consultant to South Metro Fire Rescue. He taught in the Command and Lieutenant’s Academy and was a member of the Peer Support Team. He is an EAP consultant to Firefighters and family members. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Denver. A Master of Arts from Chapman College and a Bachelor of Arts, from the University of Nebraska. His interest in Mental Health began as a U.S. Marine in Vietnam.
2nd Lieutenant Shaun M. Wheldon is a United States Air Force Officer of Contracting currently stationed at Edwards AFB, CA under the Air Force Test Center. He originally enlisted in the U.S. Air Force in December 2009 and served as active duty enlisted airman as a Health Services Administrator under the 509th Medical Group at Whiteman AFB, MO from May 2010 until January 2015. During this time, he deployed to Ali Al Salem AB, Kuwait from October 2012 to April 2013 where he earned a Meritorious Service Medal and an Expeditionary Service Medal for dedicated service performing security and support services in a deployed environment. Upon arrival back from his deployment, he worked in the Flight Medicine clinic at Whiteman AFB, MO where he worked aside flight doctors, nurses, and first responders. He supported front desk operations, medical record keeping, and health administrative functions during real world aircraft mishap scenarios. In January 2015, he crossed over to the U.S. Air Force Reserves and served as a Health Services Administrator Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge of all 442 Medical Squadron medical records section up until September 2018. In June 2016, Lieutenant Wheldon earned his Bachelors of Science in Business Administration from Kaplan University where he graduated with Magna Cum Laude honors. He was accepted for and left to Officer Training School in September 2018 and earned his commission in November 2018. Lieutenant Wheldon was one of the original founding members of The Fire Service Psychology Association and has been a member on the board ever since. He has used his vast amount of knowledge gained by working through the medical field and through his time deployed to Kuwait to understand the impact of psychological services needed to treat first responders.
Below is a list of degrees, awards, and achievements that 2nd Lieutenant Wheldon has earned throughout his Air Force Tenure:
Jan 2010- U.S. Air Force Basic Military Graduate
Mar 2010-Health Services Technical School Graduate
Jun 2013- Rising Star Award
Jun 2015-Air Force Airman Leadership School
Jun 2016-B.S. Business Administration-Magna Cum Laude-Kaplan University
Sep 2017-A.S. Health Administration-Community College of the Air Force
Nov 2018-Air Force Officer Training School Graduate
Feb 2019-Contracting Officer Course
Mar 2019-AFTC Company Grade Officer of the Quarter
Ribbons and Medals:
Air Force Achievement Medal with 1 Oak Leaf Cluster, Meritorious Unit Award with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters, AF Good Conduct Medal with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters, Air Reserve Meritorious Service Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Nuclear Deterrence Operations Service Medal, Air Force Expeditionary Service Ribbon with Gold Border, AF Longevity Service with 1 Oak Leaf Cluster, AF Training Ribbon with 1 Oak Leaf Cluster

Dr. Sam J. Buser is the senior staff psychologist for the Houston Fire Department where he is responsible for crisis situations affecting first responders in the nation’s third largest fire service. An Army veteran and former VA psychologist Dr. Buser is the co-author of “The Guys-Only Guide to Getting Over Divorce”. His most recent publications have concerned suicide prevention in the fire service. He has been featured on the nationally syndicated Montell Williams Show and has been an advisor to Newsweek magazine and the Oprah Winfrey Show. He is a former president of the Texas and Houston Psychological Associations. Dr. Buser has received numerous awards for his work and was recognized for Outstanding Public Service by the Texas Psychological Association in 2017.

Dr. Gordon D. Wolf is a subject matter expert in the practice of public safety psychology. He currently provides pre-employment psychological screenings, fitness for duty evaluations, critical incident debriefings, and organizational development services. He has served over one hundred public safety organizations. He created criterion based methodology for selecting Public Safety Officers, which was published in Police Chief Magazine and subsequently built on by POST to develop POST-10 Traits. He developed concrete criteria for Fitness For Duty in CA and has served as an expert witness to determine fitness in Sager v County of Yuba landmark case. Developed suitability and fitness criteria for firefighters, in the 1980’s, and used subsequently with departments and districts in selection and fitness evaluations. He has worked with several Fire Departments and Fire Protection Districts including: Contra Costa County Fire Protection District, Marin County Fire Protection District, City of Oakland Fire Department, City of Fairfield Fire Department, City of Vacaville Fire Department, City of Napa Fire Department, City of Tracy Fire Department, City of Redding Fire Department, East Diablo Fire Protection District, Galt Fire Protection District, Manteca-Lathrop Fire District Riverview Fire District, Tracy Rural Fire Protection District, Windsor Fire District, and City of Eureka Fire Department.

Licensed Psychologist
Moore to Life Counseling and Consulting, LLC
Clinical Director
Dr. Carla Sutton Moore is a licensed psychologist (GA #004427) and has worked in the field of mental health for over 22 years, and specifically with fire service and other first responders for over 15 years. She has worked in several settings, including a juvenile court mental health clinic, residential treatment facility, managed care, private practice, and city government. Currently, Dr. Moore is the Founder and Clinical Director of Moore to Life Counseling and Consulting, LLC. She also enjoys her current work as a Behavioral Health Specialist Sr. for the City of Atlanta Psychological Services and EAP, providing counseling and support to City employees, including Atlanta Police and Firefighters. Dr. Moore also consults with other Atlanta metropolitan agencies regarding prevention, resilience, and mental health wellness for firefighters.
Dr. Moore is an active member and committed to the advancement of FSPA. Dr. Moore is a board member of the Georgia Psychological Foundation, and Co-Chair of the First Responder Mental Health Initiative Committee. She is also a member of the Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA)-CEPO (Committee for Equality of Professional Opportunity) and APA Division 18. She is compassionate and dedicated to enhancing research, evidence-based practices, and treatment for fire service members. She has presented research findings at conferences such as Fire-Rescue International (FRI) and the Society for Criminal and Police Psychology conference. Dr. Moore has conducted research on help-seeking behaviors and clinical outcomes of firefighters that received treatment voluntarily in an internal EAP setting. Research findings have informed prevention program development, and wellness and resiliency trainings that is offered to City of Atlanta Fire and Rescue, as well as other metro Atlanta fire departments. Dr. Moore actively engages in ongoing education, discussions, and implementation of mental health services for first responders, and their engagement in the community. For example, Dr. Moore spear-headed a symposium titled, Charleston’s Response to the Emanuel AME Nine Shooting: A Concerted Effort to Improve Mental Health. Dr. Moore was the presiding moderator for the Panel Discussion at the 64th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA) in Charleston, SC. Panelists included: Joseph P. Riley, Former Mayor of Charleston; Deborah Blalock, LPC-Deputy Dir. Of SC Dept. of Mental Health; Alyssa Rheingold, PhD-National Crime Victims Research Center, MUSC; Brenda Nelson, EdD-Director of Mother Emanuel Empowerment Center; and Greg Mullins, Retired Police Chief-Charleston Police Department. This was a profoundly meaningful event, indicative of Dr. Moore’s personal and professional compassion and integrity, that allowed members of the community to engage with community leaders, fire and police service members, and mental health professionals in discussing the impact of the traumatic event, race relations, and how to begin the process of healing and moving forward.
Dr. Moore is married and has two children. She enjoys traveling, exercising, singing, dancing and volunteering with her Atlanta Falcons Cheerleader Alumni group, and trying new foods. Her strong faith, and her connection with family and community keeps her grounded and resilient.

Gina Dunckel, Psy.D.
Licensed Psychologist
Mental Health Consultant
Dr. Dunckel is a licensed psychologist in the state of Texas and is vetted through PSYPAC to practice telehealth psychology in over 38 states. She attended the Illinois School of Professional Psychology in Chicago where she received a Master’s degree and Doctorate in Clinical Psychology after completing her internship at the Valley Coastal Bend VA. She has extensive experience treating post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, sleep disorder, pain management, critical incidents, and adjustment to life’s changes (e.g. divorce, job change). In her private practice, she exclusively works with first responders and veterans. Currently, Dr. Dunckel is working with multiple fire departments to build strong preventative mental health programming and provide consultation to their peer support teams. Dr. Dunckel utilizes an integrative approach of cognitive behavioral and client-centered therapy to promote change. She has been trained in many cognitive-behavioral techniques including mindfulness and is certified in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). She also holds a certification in First Responder Counseling.

Lawrence T. Bennett, Esq.
Ohio attorney, Professor Emeritus, Pet Therapy
Larry Bennett is an attorney in Ohio, Professor Emeritus at University of Cincinnati and Program Chair of Fire Science & Emergency Management (2009 – present). He is also an Adjunct Professor at Cincinnati State – Fire Service Technology (2000 – present), and author of the textbook: FIRE SERVICE LAW (2017). He is a former volunteer firefighter / EMT and served on three different fire departments and was a partner in the law firm of Katzman, Logan, Halper & Bennett where he represented fire and EMS. With his Pet Therapy dog FRYE (9-year-old lab) he is very active in Pet Therapy (regularly visits four hospital emergency rooms, and four 911 dispatch centers), and responds to critical incidents with the SW Ohio Critical Incident Stress Management team and the Tri-State Peer Support team. FRYE is featured in International Association of Fire Chiefs – Amber Ribbon Report – Best Practices For Fire Service Canines (Aug. 2023 – pages 37-38). https://www.iafc.org/docs/default- source/1vcos/amberribbonreport.pdf?sfvrsn=9b9a7e0c_4